2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices

2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices The annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – the Human Rights Report – cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international agreements. The U.S. Department of State submits reports on all countries receiving […]

Statement by Right to Freedom on Bangladesh’s Elections

Statement by Right to Freedom on Bangladesh’s Elections Jan 09, 2024 The fears which we expressed in our December 29 statement on Bangladesh’s Elections have now come to pass. As already noted by the United States, United Kingdom and others, Bangladesh’s January 7 elections can be considered neither free nor fair. More importantly, this election […]

Statement on Bangladesh’s January 7 General Election

Statement on Bangladesh’s January 7 General Election Date: December 29, 2023 For many months, friends of Bangladesh have been sounding the alarm regarding the risk of the country’s 2024 general elections following the pattern witnessed in 2014 and 2018, in which the ruling party orchestrated results that deprived voters of the chance to freely exercise […]

Imminent Human Rights concerns cast shadow as Bangladesh gears up for next National Election

Imminent Human Rights concerns cast shadow as Bangladesh gears up for next National Election Leading experts on human rights in Bangladesh are seeing a host of challenges regarding rapid deterioration of human rights protection in the country ahead of the national elections due in early 2024.  The major challenges include compromised judiciary, biased security forces, […]

2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Bangladesh

2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Bangladesh EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bangladesh’s constitution provides for a parliamentary form of government that consolidates most power in the Office of the Prime Minister. In a December 2018 parliamentary election, Sheikh Hasina and her Awami League party won a third consecutive five-year term that kept her in office as […]

Why do the Lights in Pakistan Keep Going Out

Why do the Lights in Pakistan Keep Going Out- By WILLIAM B. MILAM The question in the title of this article has landed again in our inboxes and our consciences by the power outage throughout the entirety of Pakistan on Monday, January 23. In some parts of the country, the blackout lasted into Tuesday and […]

US Shouldn’t Ignore India’s Assault On Freedoms

US Shouldn’t Ignore India’s Assault On Freedoms- By SARITA PANDEY Two unprecedented events took place in India on this Valentine’s Day. First, taxmen raided the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in New Delhi and Mumbai. And second, Air India, the state-owned airline privatized 16 months ago, ordered 220 aircraft worth $34 billion from Boeing in the […]

Pakistan’s human rights record slammed

Pakistan’s human rights record slammed By Amnesty Ahead of Pakistan’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on 30 January, Rimmel Mohydin, regional campaigner at Amnesty International, said: “Pakistan’s fourth UPR arrives at a tumultuous time for human rights in Pakistan, with political upheaval, economic instability, climate crisis, and an oppressed civil society enabling the environment for […]


Lu’s visit: Old message, only louder (Ali Riaz) US Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia Donald Lu’s two-day visit to Dhaka has drawn significant attention in the media in Bangladesh, which continues to reverberate even after the visit is done with. What message did Lu bring? And has the government of Bangladesh succeeded in […]

Donors Raise Concerns Over Shrinking Civic Space, Crackdown On Critics: HRW

DONORS RAISE CONCERNS OVER SHRINKING CIVIC SPACE, CRACKDOWN ON CRITICS: HRW Members of the Special Security Force “Rapid Action Battalion” (RAB) are deployed during the celebration the first day of the Bengali New Year on April 14, 2022. © 2022 Sipa via AP Images (Jakarta) – Increasing attacks against political opposition members raise concerns about violence and repression […]