Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey born and raised in Bangladesh. Currently working for Just News BD as Editor and White House Correspondent, covering the UN, US State Department, and Pentagon. He is an Executive Editor for the Washington based newly published foreign policy magazine, South Asia Perspectives (SAP).
He extensively reports on the US and its regional affairs in South Asia, especially in Bangladesh. Mushfiqul is a strong voice for press freedom; his journalistic works forced him to exile, living in the UK where he worked for The Times and Sunday Times as work experience reporter in the foreign desk. According to reports, on several occasions, his questions at the UN, White House and US State Department press conferences on gross human rights violations directed the governments’ anger towards him resulting in a ban on his return to Bangladesh and blocked the news outlet in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh he started his career with the research organization- BUP as a research assistant at the late nineties. Later he joined Robber publications as Assistant Editor; worked for the Prime Minister of Bangladesh as Assistant Press Secretary (2001-2006); Diplomatic Correspondent of the oldest Bengali daily- Ittefaq; Politcal Reporter for the United News of Bangladesh (UNB). He worked as an Anchor for the State Television, BTV.
Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey hosted a popular tv show at the NTV, titled Hello Excellency, around sixty ambassadors and foreign dignitaries participated his show. Occasionally he is working with the Wilson Center as a guest a moderator. He worked for the World Bank as a consultant (STC). He is a member of the Washington National Press Club, United Nations Correspondent Association, White House Correspondents Association, Bangladesh National Press Club and Foreign Press Correspondents Association.
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