Right to Freedom Statement on Election

Date: August 07, 2024

Statement by Ambassador (retired) William B. Milam
President, Right to Freedom

Along with Bangladesh’s many friends around the world, we at Right to Freedom have watched with admiration as the Bangladeshi people this week reclaimed their democracy. We mourn the loss of life during recent days and remain concerned about reports of ongoing violence. Going forward, those responsible for the violence must be held accountable for their actions. We believe an impartial international inquiry into these tragic events can assist in this regard.   

We welcome the announcement that Nobel Laureate Professor Mohammad Yunus has agreed to head an interim government and will be sworn into office August 08. We can think of no one better suited to leading Bangladesh into this new future. We hope all elements of Bangladeshi society and the international community will support Professor Yunus and his government as they take on this great responsibility.    

Past interim governments in Bangladesh have a mixed track record. While the interim government’s primary responsibility will be to hold free, fair and inclusive elections, this cannot be done until there is a conducive enabling environment. The government will need to deal with Bangladesh’s critical short term economic challenges while it also unravels the remnants of the dictatorship which it will replace.  The task of reforming Bangladesh’s administration, judiciary and security service will take years, but must begin in earnest as soon as possible. While Bangladesh’s armed forces will have a critical role in supporting the interim government, the principle of civilian supremacy must be respected. 

Past interim governments have not prioritized respect for human rights, choosing the expediency of emergency rule. In light of the sacrifices made by those who led the struggle against the Hasina dictatorship, the new government must not repeat these past mistakes. To honor those who gave their lives, future authorities (beginning with the interim government) must be steadfast in their commitment to respecting fundamental rights, in particular freedom of speech and assembly. Those accused of crimes should receive due process and not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. 

We at Right to Freedom will continue to do our part to support the people of Bangladesh as they seize this historic opportunity.

Ambassador (Ret’d) William B. Milam
President, Right to Freedom